These are the products I personally use and recommend

Primal Life Organics

Get your copper tongue scraper here and try their awesome Dirty Mouth Toothpowder. 

If you want to whiten your teeth, this is where you get my favorite SAFE at home whitening kit. 



This is one of my favorite toothpastes. Quality sourced ingredients, hydroxyapatite minerals and gentle whitening.

I rotate between Risewell, Dirty Mouth Toothpowder, and other natural toothpastes.


FULL Detox Protocol

Ready to take it to the next level and detox exactly the way Dr. Chris himself does? 

Dr. Chris created the ELEMENTAL DETOX Plan for those individuals that want to use the same products and procedures he does for himself. 

Learn More About The Elemental Detox Protocol

SIMPLE Detox Options

Advanced TRS Drops plus Advanced Fulvic Acid result in a powerful yet simple daily detox.

Advanced TRS Drops

Binds to heavy metal toxins and washes them out of your body.

The active ingredient or little “toxin magnets” cross the blood brain barrier easily and detox the body at a cellular level.


Advanced Fulvic Acid

1000x the antioxidant power of popular "superfoods".

Advanced Fulvic releases hydrogen ions that are able to attach to negatively charged toxins and then carry them out of the body.


Blue Light Glasses

Wear these after dusk to secure a good night's sleep by blocking blue light and allowing proper melatonin production.

Every serious wellness expert wears these.


Steam Distilled Water

Water, clean water, is essential to life. Steam distillation is the best way to clean water. Use Code Hahn111 to save 5%.

If there is one thing that you invest in, this should be it!

ozonated olive oil

Ozonated Olive Oil

Essential for cuts, scrapes and mouth issues. Too many benefits to mention. This is a must have product in my house.

This replaces most other chemical and antibiotic ointments.



Protect yourself from the electromagnetic smog, EMF and 5G. 

Use Hahn10 code to save.

elemental detox protocol

Elemental Detox Plan

A step-by-step guide to a measurably healthier you in 6 months!

My personal detox routine.

ozonated olive oil

Adventures of Pearl White

My first children's book! Pearl White visits the dentist.

Perfect before any dental visit.


Disclaimer: The entire contents of this website are based upon the opinions of Dr. Hahn, unless otherwise noted. The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Dr. Hahn and his community. Dr. Hahn encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your health care professional before using products based on this content.

Disclaimer: I am affiliate for several companies that I believe in and may receive compensation if you make any purchases from this page at no additional cost to you.